Monday, September 11, 2017

End of Summer...and FIRST DAYS!

 Well, I just sent my little girl off to kindergarten. 

             It's totally bitter sweet.  I am excited for this new chapter and Evie is so ready for it.

But I also recognize the closing of a chapter-a very difficult, grueling, all consuming chapter of her being at home with me; we are launching into a school schedule that will dictate and organize her daily life until she leaves our home as an adult.

I couldn't be more excited for this season of elementary school years. I am thrilled beyond thrilled.
Quick celebratory breakfast after
first day drop offs!

SO much has taken place over the past month or so here in the Patton household. I haven't been very good keeping updated, but here is a recap of the last month of summer, and then the beginning of the school year!

August: We took our first family trip to Chicago in three years! I never thought this day would come when I wouldn't be stressed out by airports and flights and delays and packing. But I really wasn't!

The flight was delayed going out of Portland but the boys thought the "people walker" at the end of the airport was just a best thing ever and they could have played on it all day!

The flight was great! Going up beyond the clouds was completely thrilling for the kids. James sat right up next to the window, marveling at the mountains, the tiny cars and lakes.
Caleb sat in the aisle, marveling at all the people, smiling and making joyful, friendly eyes at everyone who passed.

Levi sat next to Evie, so those two were happy playing on the iPad, a luxury they never get a chance to explore, unless we are flying. ;)

We landed in Chicago and were greeted by excited Grandma and Grandpa, who picked us up in two cars, all set up with borrowed car seats.

Sleeping arrangements were an adventure too!
 Levi and Evie thought they were excited about sharing a bed. This arrangement ended up lasting one night, as Evie dominated the covers and pushed Levi out.
 Levi ended up being very content sleeping on a mattress next to the full bed that Caleb and James shared together in a back room. Caleb and James had a heated negotiation every night over the covers.
They eventually fell asleep every night but in strange positions, sometimes upside down, across the foot of the bed, under a long as they were asleep, we were all happy. 
Celebrating Grandpa's birthday!

During my time there, I was able to go into my parent's storage space in the basement. Neatly packed were various boxes containing artifacts and toys from my childhood. Memories and happy feelings flooded me, and it was so much fun remembering my years growing up in that house. 
Every spot in that home and in my yard sparked  little brief memories of a single moment of a former life. I tried to share these moments with my kids, showing them the locations of forts, toys and hiding places.
Riding the train ride at the park with Grandma 

My parent's house was consumed by mess and noise constantly. Even after we left, my parents said they made a game of finding marbles all over the house.

After two weeks of daily extraordinary outings and WAY too much ice-cream, we bid farewell to Chicago.

Upon take off to Portland, the kids exclaimed in unison as we lifted off: "Good bye Chicago!" Caleb greeted every fellow passenger who passed his way, double checking they too were  indeed flying to Portland. James was glued to the window again, totally fixated on the miracle of flight. He then declared he was hungry and ate his cheeseburger we bought for the journey; then he told me he was tired, grabbed his stuffed bear, curled up on his seat and fell asleep peacefully until we landed.

THE Little Man knows how to travel!

Resuming our life in Portland was a sudden onslaught of  Evie's soccer practices, back to school socials and organizing life for the rigor of a school schedule.
Enjoying ice cream at big sis' school

She made me a soccer mom!

Labor day we took the kids to see waterfalls in the Gorge, which as we drove there, realized it was on fire. 
As the air became increasingly hazy and the sun a dim red orb in the sky, we questioned if we should be venturing this direction at all! 

We arrived at the first waterfall to a parking lot packed with tourists, all a little concerned over the ashy atmosphere. We hiked the short way to Latourell falls and the kids were absolutely amazed by the power and beauty of the water. 
Our second stop was to the popular Multnomah Falls. We hiked to the bridge. Little did we know a few hours later the whole highway to these waterfalls would be closed as the fire consumed the area and threatened to destroy Multnomah falls entirely!

Our third stop before heading home was Dairy Queen. What better way to end the summer than with a chocolate dipped ice cream cone. 

On the morning of Wednesday September 6, I walked into Evie's dark bedroom at 7:00 am. I gently rubbed her shoulders. Without opening her eyes and seemingly still asleep, she simply reached down and grabbed my hand, holding it tightly.

Excited and nervous, John and I drove our little Kindergardener to West Hills Christian, the place she will, Lord Willing, spend her next nine years.

I haven't really been back to West Hills since I stopped teaching there seven years ago. Walking those hallways and running into old co-workers warmed my heart, and I have such a peace that we are in the right place for our family.
The students were not allowed to line up outside before school as they normally would at drop off because of the air quality from the forest fires. So, we entered a noisy, crowded gymnasium and it was completely overwhelming to Evie. She suddenly started crying and hugging me tightly.
This reaction was a complete shock, as I thought she could have gone to  kindergarten last year!
Her sweet teacher calmly walked over and offered her hand and the front of the line, which of course made Evie better.

Being a former teacher at this school, it was strange going to parent night. This is the night I dreaded every year as a young teacher. I was so intimidated by making small talk with parents so much older than me! 

Parent night this time was wonderful. We heard from our the new principal and Evie's teacher explained her curriculum. Writing! Reading! Computers! I love it all! I love school!

And, I'm an official "Room Mom." I'm not quite sure what that means, but I was approached and I accepted the job. Let the adventure begin! 😃😃😃😃😃😃

The boys started their 3 year old preschool which meets on Mon, Wed and Fri mornings! It feels good be back at such a wonderful place.

They couldn't be more exited! They have the same teacher Evie had when she was three. The teacher remembers them as babies when I'd bring one with me as I dropped her off. 

Super excited to be back at BCP!


Overall, the summer was the best one yet with the kids. I am finally recognizing how much life moves forward and that things do change.

I love these kids. 
Sometimes I look at them and I just can't believe they are my kids.
 They drive me absolutely crazy.
But I feel honored that I get to raise them and love them each day.

And time is passing.