Monday, April 13, 2020

Life Now

One minute I was volunteering in the boys' kindergarten class, and the next minute I was getting text messages that they were going to have two weeks off from school, (eventually never to return).

SO, we are a month in to quarantine, and people may ask how are we doing?....

Well, it really depends on when you ask.

My life went from one extreme to the other in a moment; finally some hours to order my life with the kids gone at school all now teaching them, cleaning, laundry and caring for everyone and everything.... and it's truly too much if I try to keep up with it all perfectly.

I've had to become way more relaxed about the order of my home. My floors haven't been washed in weeks. My laundry...dig through it to find some clean socks! 
 I need to focus my energy and attention on educating my kids. I go to bed each day truly worn out.
I know that John does too.
The two of us are truly a team, keeping the family afloat and making it work.

I've been through the whole grief cycle. I've felt physical pain in the pit of my stomach for the sudden cessation of their kindergarten and second grade years and halt to social life and leisure.
But I've finally landed on acceptance and a clear vision and determination to face this season with my very best effort and joy.

I assured my children that school was in fact not out for the summer. Being a former teacher, I began to plan lessons and art projects and science studies.

Our school has been amazing in supporting us with curriculum. However, it's just not the same sitting in front of a computer learning, and they do miss the relationships and classroom experience of it all.

At first I was completely overwhelmed. I realized that I did not know my boys as students at all. These weeks have been enlightening to see where they struggle and how they learn. It's still challenging to give them the assistance they all need at once as they attempt to improve their writing and reading.

Evelyn also is needing help as well.
And then there is the technology issues...and in those moments when everyone needs my attention and I start spinning, I simply take a step back and assure myself that I am doing the best I can and that Moms all over the world are struggling along with me.

I also want to have some fun. This will probably be the only time I will educate my kids at home, so I want us all to enjoy the experience!
I try to mix things up and add a little creativity into the day.

We spent one afternoon collecting pine cones and learning about their seeds.
Of course it ended up being a competition; Levi and James against Caleb and Evelyn.

In the end, we ended up counting over 1000 pine cones. How's that for a math lesson?! 

One rainy day we made homemade pretzels and learned about their origin as a lenten month food, representing the folding of prayerful arms. 

We planted seeds in pots; I'm hoping something happens!🤞

We take several hikes a week; sometimes we have fun leaving little nature designs along the way. 

We paint, and write and read. 

We dig for dinosaur bones and get ridiculously muddy. 

On the sunny days I push them outside;

On rainy days I push them outside. 

But, no matter what, they are all around me, all the time.
I want this to be a special season that we can look back on with good memories.
I want my kids to bond and play,

and we are learning how to "just be."

We are learning how to celebrate simply and appreciate each other. 

John's birthday!

We are delighting in dandelions. 
Yes, weeds have become something beautiful, something we spend hours making into long chains. 
                                                    It's funny how perspectives change. 

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