Sunday, April 26, 2020

Another week gone by...

We've downsized our family during the last week.
The jars of critters that lined the shelves in my family room have decreased and only one remains, our tadpole.

We released the pond fish back into the river with a big group farewell.
We gazed at the murky water until we no longer saw them and the kids agreed that it was best to send them home.
However, James disagreed with tossing back the river clam.  He was convinced there was a pearl inside the clam just waiting to be discovered.

Perhaps the most disturbing news of the week was the disappearance of the salamander.
Yes, we woke up last Sunday morning to an empty Tupperware and suspicious looking  holes in the cellophane. 
According to Levi, he blamed James for poking too big of  breathing holes in the top.
James denied the allegations and claimed that someone released him in the night.
There were big emotions in the house-blame, anger, disgust, sadness....
I made the boys look under the couches for any sign of it.
 Although we didn't uncover the remains of Mr. Salamander, their emotions suddenly shifted; they became elated by all the lost toys and pieces of toys they discovered under the couch.

One day we trekked  through the forest  looking for mushrooms. I have a little book with pictures of various types, and we were able to uncover several varieties. The best mushrooms we discovered were the ones growing off the side of a dead tree. According to our book, they are called "tinder mushrooms."

We also hit a milestone last Sunday: we took our first official family bike ride. Riding together, we take up a whole sidewalk. People start cheering for us as if we were a parade.
I think we are a sight to see, all these little people on two wheeled bikes. 
It was wonderful. Everyone cruised along together, and we had a great time. The kids even convinced Dad to stop at Jamba Juice. 
This is one of the family activities that just seemed impossible even a year ago. 

It's been a pretty average quarantine week; however it was a little wetter. 
The days are meshing together and the weeks are going by; my mood and emotions have been all over the place. 
 There are moments when I feel strong and capable, and then there are moments when I start to pace the house, filled with panic and grief. 

John has been really busy with work and being Super Dad.  He's truly been amazing, making time in his schedule each day to get the kids active outside or playing ping pong in the basement.
One of the projects he did with the boys was create arrows for their little bow and arrow sets. They even named each: one-Knight Rider, Cheetah, Desolation..... They have been having fun shooting at targets, not cats and sisters!

For some reason the kids have wanted to sleep all over the house. Perhaps it's one way to mix up the monotony of the days?!.....
 They make tents, but sometimes they change places in the middle of the night and are fast asleep in the hallways. 

One of the most disappointing things about this quarantine was missing out on the boys' Kindergarten graduation. This celebration is a tradition at West Hills, and it's one I've been looking forward to since Evelyn had hers two years ago. 
However, the school set up a little graduation picture time at the school on Saturday.
 So at least we got to see them in their cute little gowns and big smiles :) 

My mom says that I'll blink and they will be in Seniors. 
I believe that is true. 

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