Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Screeching Violins

It's still a thrill. And all three of them can still fit. 


 "It's going to get worse before it gets better." 

Those accurate words spoken by my wise husband referred to the newest sound we hear in our home as of late: beginner violin players.

After months of anticipation, Caleb and Evelyn began their violin lessons with a lovely teacher who comes to our home each Friday afternoon. 


We purchased a nice violin I found at GoodWill last summer, and we excitedly gave it to them at Christmas. However, neither John or I know anything about violins, so we unknowingly bought a violin that is much too big. Apparently, violins grow with the player, so we resorted to renting two different sized instruments. 

They practice all the time, and although I'm happy they love playing so much, Levi pretty much summed it up one afternoon: "Mom, I just can't take it anymore. All these screeching violins!" 

                                                            I just nodded my head sympathetically. 

February started off spring-like.

 The boys celebrated their 8th birthday party playing laser tag, outside! 


They insisted on a "49ers" cake, unwavering in their commitment to their team that almost made it to the Super Bowl. 

A birthday couldn't be a birthday celebration without Red Robin, complete with the birthday song and a chocolate sundae. 


One of their most prized gifts was a metal detector given to them by Gramie and Grandpa. 

One afternoon at the park, the machine would not stop beeping. Digging frantically, we all waited with bated breath as they unearthed....


 an old tin can. 

Another time we uncovered a rusty link to an old chain fence. 


Valentines day included our tradition of a heart shaped pizza. 

I also led the valentines day party in the boys' second grade class. I have to say, I cherish these crazy class parties with the kids. They really got into "cupids heart" a game a I found on Pinterest. Throwing an arrow made from straws and paper, the goal was to hit bullseye paper plates. The energy was dramatic. 


A few other highlight in February included volunteering one afternoon picking up trash at the community park. The kids were thrilled to use garbage grabbers. 


We also took a stroll through an old pioneer graveyard in a neighboring town. We had some good conversations about the brevity of life



There were some slow afternoons, playing in the park....

And of course, Lucy and pokemon cards make up a large part of after school entertainment. ;) 



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