Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Irish Dancing and all things green

As far as I know, I don't have any Irish in me at all; however, I LOVE ST. PATRICKS DAY!

 Maybe it's just the time of year it falls; with daylight savings it's brighter and sunnier by the time this festive day rolls around. 
The flowers are starting to bloom and everyone seems to be in better spirits. 
Perhaps it's just a funny holiday that I can embellish with the kids. I allow myself and the kids one shamrock shake a year; And I buy them one box of Lucky Charms, which is gone by the time St. Patricks day officially commences. 
Maybe it's the green food? I was once known to get pretty excited about a green drink at the bar in my college years. Now I'm just excited by the shamrock shake and make the kids green pancakes. 

It was fun to eavesdrop on their conversations about leprechauns and ways in which to trap them. The four of them have the most interesting and intelligent conversations about  trap architecture and theory. 
They were so comical this year; carefully and strategically discussing and crafting their leprechaun traps out of shoe boxes, they determined the the best ways for making sure they didn't escape.  
The boys liked the hidden pit drop method

Once the little guy fell into the box, they would get "all tangled up" with the sticks below. 
Gluing chocolate heresy kisses to the top would entice them closer....
Behold! They escaped but left some gold booty
Set and ready to trap
Evelyn was the only one who went with the traditional  top drop method complete with a latter. 

In the morning, they found evidence of a struggle, a few chocolate gold coins and a trail of gold dust out the door and down the deck stairs. 

The boys theorized and discussed the leprechaun's technique and fantasized about his fanciful fate. 

This year the weather was gorgeous on St. Patrick's Day. It was sunny without a single cloud in the sky and almost 70 degrees. It was a perfect day for Irish dancing. 

A few years ago when Evelyn was very young I took her downtown to an Irish pub to watch the Irish dancers. She was fascinated by them, rewatching my videos of them on my phone and trying to imitate the moves.

This year, in January, she started taking Irish dancing lessons right close to home in Tualatin. I love watching her. If I am in a bad mood, I can't help leave uplifted and happy. The music and atmosphere is so fun and lighthearted. 

Well, this year, Evelyn got to partake in the Irish dancing tradition at Kell's Irish pub downtown. 

She had a quick freak out moment when she initially entered the stage area under the big white tent; however, after the first show, she was eager to do another. 

Very crowded

It was good to see her conquer her fears. 

John mentioned that this would be the only time he'd be proud of his daughter dancing in a bar. 

The truth is, I wish I were dancing with her at the bar too. It looked like so much fun out there.

Evelyn was excited that some of her friends came to see her perform.  It was a really special weekend. 

Speaking of Spring, the boys started t-ball on Monday! It was another day of 70 degree weather. They had so much fun fielding balls, batting and running the bases. 

I love watching them with Evelyn, who finally has to be the spectator. I explained to her slightly mopey self that that is what family does. We support each other. 

                                        And, knowing her, I think she will enjoy cheering her brothers on!

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