Biker gang is on the loose! |
The boys are really into their little plastic red tricycle bikes, but oh man, a mere trip around the block can take well over an hour with all the assists, screaming, crying and frustrations that comes with trying to pedal uphill.
One of the things I love about our neighborhood is that it's right next to a river path. However, when you go down to walk on it, there is a steep uphill on the way back, no matter what way you go.
Evie and I have managed to make it down to the riverside path, and we barely make it back up again.
Between tears, sweat and the intense labor of hauling our bikes up the hill, I coached Evie step by step.
Trying to be intentional and embrace the struggle, I tried to infuse it with life lessons which may or may not have penetrated through her agony. I, in this moment, was determined to be her "life coach" and get her through this struggle whether she liked it or not!
"In life Evie, there will be trials, and hardships and so many hills! You need to preserve, keeping going, never give up! Onward! Upward!"
Through sobs and tears and, "What are you talking about mom.....I can't do this....I'm too tired..."
we did make it to the top and the feeling of accomplishment made it all worth it.
Riding next to Evie one lovely fall afternoon I had a moment when I had to pinch myself to believe it was actually happening. How is it that I actually have a little person next to me on a bike, talking to me and enjoying life with me?! Where did this relationship come from?! Can this really be my little girl?!!
There have been so many moments lately where I have stopped and just soaked in the present moment because its surreal, and its passing quickly. Maybe it's this whole starting Kindergarten thing but Evie just seems to all of a sudden be truly a little person who thinks deeply, shares openly, helps willingly and engages in life and relationships.
I have the urgency to make all these family memories and enjoy all these moments, like really enjoy these moments. Soak them in. Throw my phone across the room. Stare and just absorb and feel my children and who they are. I'm obsessed with just being present.
I've been drinking too much coffee and eating way too much chocolate because I want to be alert for everything! I'm running poor John around, planning these family outings and experiences...
I think I am so enthusiastic about all this because we can finally do it! For so long I feel like I've just been keeping my head above water and getting through moments (and I still do get through many moments!) but all of sudden I'm enjoying, really enjoying, my family life.

And I'm realizing how fast seasons pass, and how precious life is, and how we are not guaranteed next year, or next week or even the next hour!
Our fall so far has been packed with memory making opportunities.......
We watched the swift birds swirl and dance in the sky above Chapman school downtown Portland and dart into the chimney to nest.
We had our first family Salt n Straw ice cream experience with friends on 23rd!
We played on the beach! John was the master sand castle builder while I encouraged the kids to chase sea gulls.
We've been loving watching and cheering on Evie during her Saturday morning soccer games. She scores goals and has so much fun.
I chaperoned Evie's pumpkin patch trip to Sauvie Island (on the most gorgeous fall day I can remember!)
We met other families and kids from Evie's class at a picnic in the park!
We had our annual family photo shoot at the park. Most fun one yet!
We've been enjoying our friends and community.
Despite the hills, we do live in a great place. ;)
Life is precious, and beautiful and too magnificent to just pass through.
The trees are too radiant to just drive by.
And my kids are growing up too quickly to just get through it.
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