I walked into a very beautiful, special baby shower on Saturday planned and prepared by three dear friends, Linsey, Erin and Jess. I knew it was a very busy time of year, so I didn’t expect so many people to show up; but more people came than I expected, and it was a lovely afternoon in so many ways. Gathering with a community of women in order to bless and encourage one another is a very powerful thing. Not only do showers equip us physically with clothing and materials that we will need for the job at hand, but just having the ones you care about all in one room has a way to lift the spirit and encourage. I have to say, it was a very very special shower. I not only walked out of there with a car full of diapers, clothing and baby boy essential, but my heart soared with confidence that only the support of loving friends can bring.
As a society I think we’ve lost the blessing of community. We tend to live very isolated lives; that is not how we are supposed to live. It is difficult to live “side by side” all over the city; but “life” events”, which bring people together are a good reminder that we really do have people all around who care. And we need each other. I couldn’t imagine doing this alone.
As always, the girls who did this shower went all out. Bacon wrapped dates, “gourmet” mini hotdogs with a variety of specialty mustards, dark chocolate almonds, veggies, dip and fudge covered the kitchen table. Choice of hot cider, hot chocolate, wine and blueberry mojitos were the drink selections of the afternoon (yes, my kind of shower…!) Chit chat, gifts, and a special time of sharing, blessing and prayer filled the afternoon, and by the time everything was dropped off in my kitchen, I felt thoroughly overwhelmed by the abundance of love.
Later in the evening, John and I sorted all the little clothes, shoes and hats we received. We commented on the little monkeys, trucks and dinosaurs that decorated so many of the onesies; it was very different from the last shower when everything was decorated with pink flowers, hearts and kitty cats. We dreamed about our little boys who will soon fill we them. Because we are in this (seemingly endless) transition into another house, we really have no place to organize or put everything right now, so it all fills the rooms upstairs. Yes, the boys will spend their first month or so living amongst boxes and diapers…but they are literally surrounded by representations of those who love them.
I truly embraced the day. It will be (According to MY plans) my very last baby shower ever, but I hope that I can always make blessing others a priority in my life as well.
All 28 weeks! Boy; boy, boy, boy; Girl |
My blessings |
Bacon wrapped dates! |
What a spread! |
Drinks anyone?! |
chit chat |
One...Two...Three! |
Boy Clothes...so strange! |
Wow! Where to put it all?!!! |
You are indeed loved, my friend. Such an honor to share in your joy.