Sunday, September 28, 2014

The joy and beauty of the Triplet Stroller

There is nothing better to me than a walk on a fall day, when the changing leaves on the trees filter the sunlight and the world around me glows orange. Walking this fall can truly happen now, thanks to a Craigslist find of:
                                                    the Triple Jogging Stroller.


Those three words together sound so ridiculous to me because who is actually going to jog pushing an ox cart of children?!

 It’s a wide load indeed; but a gem of a find, I must say because these contraptions cost in the upper $700+ for new one…we paid much much less and we got to have the exhilarating adventure of " the dark, back ally Craiglist exchange." If you've ever experienced this before, you know what I mean.

 It was a dark and rainy night when John and I put the kids to bed and bid good-bye to Amanda as we set forth to claim this treasure. We told Amanda to tell the kids we loved them if we never made it home. We got into our mini van and drove about 40 minutes-almost to airport-in the dark  rain, to an address that was texted to me earlier in the day. We pulled up to a home that was under construction on a quiet, little street.  

However, upon our arrival, three little images peered at us in footie pajamas through the front door window.The woman who answered her door almost had triplets of her own (twins and then another who was 13 months younger…) They had outgrown this fine piece of equipment, and needless to say, the mother was very excited to free up the space in her one car garage. After hoisting it into the back of our mini van, maneuvering  seats and car seats in order to make it fit, we paid her the cash, closed up the trunk and drove away with our treasure, safe and sound. 
I was a little too giddy, I admit. 
But since us two crazy young uns' were so close to downtown,  what better way to celebrate the new addition of yet another baby gadget into our cool home than go to a happy hour at a hip place downtown!?! 
I was very concerned about the safety of our triplet stroller in the back of our mini van; so, I reminded John to lock the door  in case someone walking by wanted to steal it. He assured me that it was locked, but we probably didn’t need to worry about that in this part of town. A triple stroller in a mini van really wasn’t a hot commodity.

During the following week, I strapped those boys in their new carriage and walked them all over the neighborhood and the trails by the river. 

But wow, did I stop traffic…literally. Every car that drove by gawked at the sight of us. People actually stopped their cars in the middle of the street (thus backing up the flow of traffic) to roll down their windows and make comments. Per the usual, people openly expressed their amazement/concern/relief that is wasn’t them. I even had a group of dudes roll past,  and shout through their window, “**** girl! You been BUSY!”  
Wow, I’ve arrived to that stage in life. Back in my younger years dudes shouted very different things at me while driving by. 
Now they shout at my stroller. 

But I have all the men I need with my  wise and wonderful husband ( of almost 10 years!) and my three mini men-in-training. Caleb, Levi and James really like riding side-by-side. This is the very reason I wanted a stroller such as this rather than one that stacks them behind one another; they should all have a front row seat, and I wanted them to enjoy this ride next to their fellow bros. 

The boys are very happy riding around in it. They don’t make a peep but just look around at everything. Sometimes on our journey I’ll stop and pluck a leaf and give one to each of them to examine.  Evie is very interested in this new stroller too. In fact she climbed right in and strapped herself in the middle seat and ordered that one of the brothers ride in her single stroller. 

 Our garage is taken over by strolling devices. Every time I collect another one, I get a really excited feeling because I feel like I have a little more freedom. It could be an addiction

I’ll take anything that makes me feel less stuck and gives me more flexibility. I am really limited in the things and the activities I can do right now; I feel like I’ve lost myself in all this baby raising, and honestly I can get depressed and weary sometimes.   But John keeps reminding me that this is just a season in life.  Raising children is such a selfless endeavor..and it doesn't end, not even on Saturday mornings. I know, despite what I FEEL, in my heart, caring for all these precious, little humans is worth all the sacrifice and all my freedom. 
 So I guess in this season in life, I'll fully embrace the fact that freedom to me can be found on Craigslist in the form of a  triplet stroller. Bring it!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Home Sweet Home


 Home is the place where I can always go to and nothing ever changes. 
And that is a good thing because it is a place of rest, comfort and love. 

Home is filled with memories. Memories of my childhood that are so close still, I feel as if I can reach out and jump into them.

Home is a little town, 30 miles West of Chicago called Warrenville. 

Home is a muggy Saturday afternoon in July,
a dusty softball field, 
    the  orange dust making my mouth dry...
         Chasing bees in left field, 
              wiping sweat from my visor,
 waiting for a pop fly, 
shielding the sun with my glove,
so I can catch it...
            and be the hero. 
My Mom cheering for me from the bleachers,
and my Dad, the coach, from the dugout. 

Home is cracked sidewalks, 
             peddling my pink bicycle as fast as I can 
with my heavy bag of library books,
  my wobbly bike           
 tipping dangerously to one side... 

perhaps stopping at the penny candy store on the way home. 

Home is mounds and mounds of fluffy snow, 
the hairs in my nostrils freeze with every breath,
watching snowflakes through the slit of my itchy wool scarf. 
The sound of snow makes my ear drums throb. 
The silence is so deep. 
Deep enough that it goes up to my knees
 and down my boots 
and makes my toes numb. 

Home is homemade chicken soup,
after a night of trick or treating.
Warming my chilled hands,
so I can sort through the candy,
and eat it until I feel sick. 

 I swear I still  hear the echos of the neighborhood kids on my street.
 I still have the secret pathways through the forest memorized. 

 I still feel safe when I lay in bed, listening to the crickets outside through my open window. 

I want to introduce the magic of this place to my children.
It is difficult to convey how I feel about the place I grew up in.
So I want them to experience it for themselves.
And I could see that Evelyn was enchanted by it all,
 By the house,
     by the hidden, secret places,
          by the imagination it brings out.

I haven't been home in a year, the longest I've been away in my entire life.
 I expected to be away even longer; but, this opportunity to come home and introduce the boys to my extended family and friends came up suddenly. 
I am so so grateful to be with family, the people who will always be apart of me, no matter the distance. 

The week was a whirlwind of visiting and holding babies and eating cakes. I was so honored to have relatives from near and far venture over to hold and kiss and cuddle my kids. There was constant noise and conversation. There was food and festivity. Some days, the boys had too much love, and we had to let them regroup in the other silent rooms. 

Perhaps the most memorable adventure was our field trip to my Grandma's Catholic church. Every Wednesday she has coffee with a group of women after Mass. Our babies and their story has been a topic of conversation and awe for months and months, and they were all so eager to meet everyone. 

So per my Grandma's request, Amanda, my mom and I loaded up the kids in the mini van; and despite the pouring rain that morning, we unloaded them all into the church and strolled them through the aisle way through Mass and into the "Parish Life" room. 
Upon our entrance, there was a standing welcome and we were immediately taken over by church women. 

The head Priest even held the boys. Amanda and I just stepped back and took it all in. 
We couldn't help but giggle a little bit.

Here we are, about to go through mass...please  don't cry now boys!

The Church Ladies can't get enough of the boys

Evie had a pretty good time too. Sprinkle covered donuts!

Levi looks so happy in this lady's arms!

And they drank coffee...

And held babies...

Until the boys decided they had enough. 

On Sunday when we drove the two cars back to the airport (yes, it took 2 vehicles to make this work...) I found myself eager to go home. 
To my home. 
The place where John and I have our life and raise our family.

It's strange. I'm realizing that Home can be two places, two places where there is love, and comfort and memories. 

 I hope that one day my kids can return to this home and feel the same way I feel about my childhood home. 

And now, here are some pictures from the week!

At PDX headed to Chicago! Let the adventure begin!
Ok, made it through security...
Made it at last! Home sweet home with my Aunts and Mom (and Dog-Cousin, Tinkerbell)

Uncle Rick and Aunt Penny with Levi. He reminds them of their sons,  Big n' Beefy.

Great Grandma Mrumlinski meets her Triplet Great Grandsons!

There was always something fun to do with Grandma!

Sitting around the table: My Grandma, Dad and Mom with the kiddos

My Aunt Penny is already a pro!

My brother Brad thought Caleb was just too cute!

Like I said...always something fun to explore at Grandma's...

Visiting with the fam...just like when I was growing up

Amanda takes a break from holding human babies

Mom, Evie and my 2nd cousin Jennifer's daughter Zolai

Levi gets kisses from Aunt Robin

Never a dull moment for anyone!

My parents and their grandchildren

Great Grandma Love


Dad and his namesake, James Gregory

GG is determined to feed this kid

A grandpa and his boys

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Finally...a sleeping schedule! :)

It's September…and it really feels like it. This morning the air was crisp and fall- like, and there are already leaves on the ground. The school bus came by too. School started yesterday for the kids and even though I haven’t been teaching for 4 years, I still feel a little anxious and excited at this time of year.  I still  feel the anticipation of something new approaching.

 When fall arrives, it feels like life is a little more organized, there is a little more order, and things run on more of a predictable schedule. There is not much to do outside with three overly heated sticky babies in a black triplet stroller on hot summer days, so I’m looking forward to the cooler weather as well. 

I was thinking this morning that in five years, all my kids will be skipping off to school and the house will be silent and empty…! 
         there is certainly a lot of living to do from now until 5 years….;)

The boys are just about 7 months old. And speaking of schedule, I feel like  finally-FINALLY-they are starting to somewhat fall into a daytime sleep schedule. I want to hold that word loosely because as mamas know, just when you think you’ve figured it out, something is bound to change.

 The days have been very long this summer.  I would wake up at 5 and not know when or if I’d ever have a break or moment of peace until the end of the day.  All the boys cat napped all day long, so I always had a baby or two or three awake.  People recommended books and programs to get them on a schedule. However, everything I tried was difficult and frustrating because I have 3 babies with different sleeping patterns!
 Ideally, I wanted to get them all sleeping at 1:00 when Evie took her nap.  I could get 2 babies on the same sleeping pattern, but there was always that third one who was off.  I finally gave up and decided when fall came, I'd try again.

And sure enough, they are older and their sleep can be manipulated a little easier.  Amanda and I are trying really hard to hold them off from sleeping until they all go down at roughly the same times. Therefore, if all goes according to plan, I have an hour or so in the afternoon when the house is silent and I don’t have anyone to take care of! 
Here is roughly what my day looks like...

5:30 am: My alarm goes off because the boys tend to start waking
6:00: 8 oz bottle for all
7-8: John gets up to help me keep the babies happy and myself sane until Amanda starts her work day at 8:00! They all get super cranky. 
8:00: Amanda and I feed the babies until Evie gets up and then I take care of Evie's needs/wants/demands!
Between 8:30-9:00: Babies go down for morning naps
Between 10-11: Babies wake up and get another bottle
Evie and I are usually together  taking on the day...
12:30: Lunch for Evie
1:00ish: Evie goes down for a nap...and hopefully babies have a small bottle and go down around then too. Sometimes one baby slept a little later than the rest during the morning nap, so I have one up with me for awhile. 
Amanda is "off' after Evie goes down for her nap.

1-3:00ish (or maybe later!) Evie naps, and hopefully so does everyone else!

4:30ish: John gets off, we usually pack everyone up and go to the gym (we sure do get our moneys worth out of the childcare there!)  or we get everyone out for a walk around the neighborhood!
 6:30ish: Commence the craziness! Dinners, baths, bedtime routines for all! Amanda is "on" again to help us out with it all! Thank goodness!

 The goal is to get everyone in bed between 7:30-8:00. 

John usually cooks us all dinner! :) It's always a treat!

We tidy up the downstairs living area and then have a quiet dinner.
 Ahhh! Another day done! 
However, by the time we finish dinner, clean up and prepare for tomorrow, it is nearly 9:00 and I like to try to be in bed by 10:30 at the latest.

We have some fall schedule changes as well. Evie has her preschool starting soon. It’s just one morning a week for like 2 hours, but it will be good for her. She is very ready...and truly growing up so fast! I know she will love her "school." 

She took a little ballet class the other day....oh my....;)

Everyone is growing up. The boys are so much more interactive. Evie is taking charge and is the entertainment to them all. They will all be fussing and she’ll waltz into the room and dance and sing and play peek-a-boo with them. She has them in hysterics sometimes with her little antics. 
The boys notice each other too. They roll around and giggle and touch each other. They have a brother connection that began in the womb and will last forever. 

The days click by…the months and seasons change so fast. 

Five years does seem like a really long time until they are school bound…but I really really don’t want to look towards that momentous event as my goal. 

There is a lot of life to live between then and now, and I don’t want to miss out on a single moment. Everyday I strive to be patient, to appreciate the slow moments and be grateful for this life. 

Our next adventure is Chicago! Our flight leaves Sunday morning, and then begins a very busy week of family, and visitors and exhausting fun! Until then....